St. Therese of Lisieux
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Scholastica

Pastoral Council

This has been a part of St. Joseph’s since 1969. The present council consists of five members. Its goal, then and now, is to assist the pastor in the many diverse ministries necessary for the smooth running of the Parish. The primary goal is that of making our Parish Church a strong and thriving place of faith and worship for all, both young and old. Council members are appointed by the Pastor for a three year term. Members include Ginger Wyatt, Sandi Holm, Jolene Lambert, Jim LiVecchi, and Norm Stegeman.

Finance Council

This council is a consultative body of lay persons established to advise the Pastor in the prudent planning and administering of all parish financial matters and in the setting of policy and procedure to provide effective management of parish assets. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Parish Finance Council must be guided by the values of the Gospel, as well as, by good business practices. Efficient and effective use and management of parish resources must be measured as much by their contribution to parish mission and ministry as by commonly accepted business standards. Council members are appointed by Pastor. Members include Terry Scanga, Chuck Martinez, Jim Long, Jean Hanfelt, and Sandi Holm.

Maintenance Committee

This group consists of volunteers that oversee and manage all parish buildings and grounds. The committee has brief quarterly meetings. If you would like to sign up or need more information, please call the parish office at 539-6419.

Prayer Group

This Prayer Group prays for the needs of the Parish and the community. We meet every Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Office, and would welcome and encourage your participation. If you have any questions, please call the parish office to add someone on the prayer list.

Knights of Columbus

This is an organization of Catholic men which was founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in 1882. The Salida Council #1296 was chartered on March 1, 1908 with 36 Charter Members. The principal virtue is Charity, which has been practiced in St. Joseph's Parish by the constant support of the Church. The K OF C is a family oriented, fraternal organization of Catholic men that sponsors many family functions such as breakfasts, covered dish dinners, and an annual picnic. Members meet the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Meeting Room of the school building. Some of the activities include a monthly parish pancake breakfast to support local community organizations.

Welcoming Circle

Newly formed, our purpose is to call on and welcome all new parishioners of St. Joseph. We try to inform them of various organizations and activities available and encourage them to become involved in our Parish life. For more information, please call Pat Carpenter at 539-2008.

Altar Society

This circle of ladies are responsible for cleaning of the Altar,and Church Pews. . Our meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month in the afternoon and we would welcome anyone who is interested. Please call Theresa Cortese at 539-6759. . All ladies of the parish are invited. Women registered in the parish are an automatically a member of the Altar Society.

St. Theresa's Sewing Circle

This circle had its origin in the late 40's with twelve members. It was one of a few circles organized through St. Joseph's Altar & Rosary Society. We keep our membership at twelve so we can meet into one another's homes. We design and make Baptismal garments, having contributed several hundred over these 50 some years. There has been close to 800 garments made and given to the children that have been baptized in our church.

Respect Life Committee

We implement the projects recommended by the Diocesan and National Respect Life Committees. We would welcome any new members wishing to work on the issues of abortion and euthanasia. If you would like to be a part of this Committee, please call Bev Scanga at 539-6067.

Helping Hands

This group consists of various groups who help prepare and serve funeral dinners. If you would like to help prepare, cook, and help serve a dinner for a bereaved family, please call Sandi Holm at 539-4877. Help could be used in donating desserts and salads. Each circle is headed with a chairperson and then consists of several volunteers within each group. For each dinner, groups are called by rotation basis. Monetary donations are always welcomed and appreciated.

Los Amigos

This is a non-profit organization which began in the fall of 1970 with the purpose of helping with funeral dinners for members and their families, as well as contributing to worthy causes in the community. Los Amigos meets for a meeting usually on the second Sunday of each month in the afternoon. For more information, call Vivian Quintana at 539-7169